A case for self-learning simulations

July 5, 2023
A case for self-learning simulations

It’s 2020 and there is no dearth of how learning initiatives are implemented across organizations and sectors, given the easy availability of technological support, and zero logistical barriers. So we have ILT’s, role-plays, classroom lectures, e-learning repositories, micro-learning and simulations.

Traditional learning measures - be it the in-person ILT’s or the plethora of e-learning courses- have their own advantages and disadvantages but one thing that seems irresolvable is the degree of control a learner has on their learning. As millennials now form a majority of the workforce(by 2025 they will 75% of the entire workforce), there is an increasing emphasis on flexibility, ownership, and immediacy. Self-learning, it seems, is very effective in sufficing those expectations.

Despite a significant boom in e-learning courses and their massive popularity, According to a research study by Katy Jordan, online course completion rates are extremely low at just15%.

The millennials and GenZ’s, that form a majority of adult learners today are by nature driven to take charge of their own learning. It is, in some ways, a behavioural outcome of their upbringing in a tech-ready world. There is lesser and lesser traction with traditional learning measures because they don't seem to fit the worldview of the modern learner.

Hence self-learning is fundamental in preparing the modern day workforce as it taps into natural human behaviour. In a shift away from traditional methods, it offers – the flexibility and ownership that today’s employees prefer.

However, Self-learning as a concept has been there for years but its effectiveness is equally reliant on the format it is delivered through. Simulations in this regard cover a lot of ground in terms of delivering actionable contextualized learning as well as being non-intrusive.

Self-learning simulations, whether they are business-oriented or behavioural, thus combine some of the best benefits that traditional e-learning repositories lack.

1. A safe non-intrusive environment: The last thing that the millennials want today is learning that is overly prescriptive. They are not exactly fond of their superiors looking over their shoulders. A self-learning simulation gives them the space to learn without unnecessary interference in a judgement free environment. They no longer have to worry about the instructor bias influencing how they respond and undertake learning. This helps in building confidence in the skills they acquire.

2. Interactive Story-lines: Simulations are designed to put the learners at the centre. Complex information can be broken down into multiple relatable and interactive scenarios to keep the learner interested. Storytelling followed by quizzes makes the experience far more interesting while driving learning goals.

CatalyX brings a personalized UI experience with the scope to make choices one would make in the real world situations.

3. Visual Design: Simulations offer the scope to rope in elements of visual design and rich media elements that mimic the everyday media consumption of the learners, thereby making the overall experience immersive and engaging. Contrary to traditional e-learning, simulations have the potential to address user experience and convey learning using aesthetics that appeal to the learners.

4. Mimic Real life scenarios: As far as businesses are concerned, learning is strongly driven by the objective of developing skills and applying them in the course of work. Learning by doing is preferred. One would think that learning on the job would be an ideal solution, but it is not given the risks and the costs associated with it. 

CatalyX has simulations modules that effectively mimic real life interactions at work for a range of behavioural competencies.

Simulation scenarios mimic real-life business problems, situations that employees encounter on a day to day basis at work. As learners course through these scenarios they learn to respond better to real-life contingencies, albeit with a scope of error and the opportunity to implement corrective measures.

CatalyX helps your employees cover essential competencies including - Feedback, Delegations, Collaboration, Customer Segmentation, Ownership, Self-Mastery, Team Management and Finance for Non-Finance - with crisp actionable takeaways

5. Anywhere, anytime: Self-learning simulations can be deployed across devices. The interfaces are amenable for easy customization, so learners have the flexibility to switch devices as and whenever they want. Infact, Enparadigm’s micro-simulation suite, CatalyX comes with instant native LMS/LXP integration, thereby allowing for effortless scaling and easy accessibility for remotely working employees in no time. 

6. Real-time data to know your learners: While not exclusive to this format of learning. Just the manner in which learners interact with self-learn simulations presents immense opportunities for generating interesting data points around important metrics like learner interest, engagement and cohort behaviorisms. 

It is for these reasons that self-learning simulations can be adapted to cater to a diverse audience of learners across functions, across business sectors. Most importantly they have a considerable appeal for the new age tech savvy learners and organizations that value practical learning in the flow of work.

[At Enparadigm,we recently launched CatalyX - the only self-learning experiential simulation platform out there to cater to a range of essential everyday competencies that people need to thrive at work. 

The platform has crisp 30-60 mins. simulation modules covering essentials like - Ownership, Team management, Effective Communication, Delegation, Feedback, Customer Centricity,Collaboration, Self-mastery, Time Management and Finance for non-finance.

If you’d like to know more about our latest simulation platform, CatalyX, just fill a form (here) and we will soon get in touch with you for an interactive demo-session.

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